Once a week starting from 16 March 2011 Conference Room of the Oblate Fathers will welcome you to enjoy together a collection of films linked by a wire daredevil: the sharing of experience generations.
12 the number of films screened and selected from 16 March to 1 June.
"MOVIE shared experience of cinema" is organized to read back issues of great relevance in a critical and original, offering space to the so-called smaller film industries, and also insinuates some "doubt" about reality around us: friendliness, parents and children, Spirituality, Travel, Addiction and a dedicated focus Iran.
The screenings will take place on Wednesday in two hours: one morning, an evening dedicated to schools and to associations. The objective of this dual program is to give an opportunity for young people and adults, confront each other.
"MOVIE shared experience of cinema" has the ' ambition to act as a cultural reference innovative, offering a challenging film calendar, a meeting place and "fight" proposals on various issues. No longer a passive viewing inundated with technical information, but a real opportunity for dialogue and growth, where all players will feel.
The novelty of the film club movie is the involvement of associations in the area Rho and choice of guests that will enliven the debate: chefs, filmmakers, travelers and many others. The particular form of subscription includes a membership card costs € 45 and entitles you to 12 screenings already scheduled as well three films that are representative of a theme suggested by the public. The reservation cards will through associations that then distribute subscriptions to their members. For all of us will still the opportunity to purchase a subscription by subscribing to the club Cineforum Movie.
Also every Wednesday night happy hour before the screening at the bar of the shrine by 19.00. ;
organization and art direction by: College Oblate Missionary Fathers, and Circolo Cineforum movie with the contribution of Viridea (www.viridea.it)
The film club will be held at the Congress Centre "Furioli Mantovani, College Rho, c.so Europe 228/230 Rho.
Information: cineforum@collegiorhodense.it - \u200b\u200btel. 348.488.34.30
For reservations and selling cards Associations: cineforum@collegiorhodense.it - \u200b\u200btel. (Monday
Friday from 9.00 to 12.30)
For reservations and selling cards individuals: cineforum@collegiorhodense.it tel.348.488.34.30
Sale cards every Tuesday in February from 20.00 to 23.00 at the bar of the shrine, during
Europe courtyard 228/230 .
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