Hi! Today, after more rich than usual:)
In late here's my page 14 of the sketch Sketchalicious
When Friday came out with our interpretation of the post I have a little 'crooked nose, this page does not convince me and I'm sure the problem is the title: too big! E 'out of proportion ... By now I had sent and then the public as well, but if it turns me (and I know that I will run) will make some changes soon!
Anyway the sketch was to follow this
really nice, good Lara ! And this time more than ever, there are interpretations of dt I like a lot:)
The second argument is the publication of the post, finally, for scrapbooking pages done for me on SCC.
I had the great pleasure of scrapbooking for Simona Gughina two photos of the sweetest:)
The top A4 blocked me a little ', is the first time ever that work in this format, but the end I have to say that was funny!
Simo really hope you like it !!!!!
here and a collage of all the pages arrive.
Thanks Rita: D I'm looking forward to better see my page.
Last thing, a picture that I like a lot and I just sent kushin , a self-timer with her, me and Georgina: D: D
Patat A dock!