"Rock'n'roll head"
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Gay Cruising Areas Los Angeles
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Nicd Charger Blue Prints
Lucio Battisti, emotions, thoughts and reflections
If we were to make a name of a musical artist symbol of Italian music, at this March 17, a day of celebration for 150 years of the Unification of Italy, where I tell other stories of Italians, perhaps we would say Lucio Battisti (not to mention Fabrizio De Andrè, Mina and Rino Gaetano). The singer of Poggio Bustone represents the Italian song that the Beatles have expressed in the world pop and rock'n'roll. Contemporary music in our country has certainly developed thanks to this exceptional singer, songwriter and record producer: his commitment in fact had the effect of a change, as it was able to change your musical inclinations of the Italians. Although his vocal limitations were fairly obvious (almost hoarse voice and limited extension), Battisti has shown great fortitude and a strong personality, who went beyond the appearance of fragility, managing to dominate the Italian musical scene.
Lucio was born March 5, 1943, Poggio Bustone (Rieti). His musical debut takes place in 1962, with the group of "I Mattatori" in Naples, but after a year with ups and downs in his decision to return lands, where it joins to "Satyrs" and then "The Champions". The place is dated 1965, when Baptists were invited from the house music "El & Chris" where he met Giulio Rapetti, better known as Mogol.
result was the largest association of Italian music of the last issues: Mogol-Battisti, a''company''that will generate a record success after another, reaching the top of the charts with songs become the heritage of Italian . Needless to list them: there are so many songs of this "Award Winning" deeply embedded in the DNA of each of our countryman. Many those who began to strum the guitar on the pieces of Baptists, even more so those who hum the lyrics, often after hearing just a few verses.
With the first album recorded in 1967 Lucio immediately produces the first successes by songwriter: "For a penny" and "One Sweet Day." His first appearances, however, does not seem optimal from a purely aesthetic point of view: that hair so curly and unkempt, the handkerchief around her neck always. So much so that even appears in the top cover back.
in 1968 with "Balla Linda" Battisti took part in the Cantagiro; year later, Wilson Pickett, door-to-Sanremo "adventure." L 'final breakthrough came in the summer of 1970, the Festivalbar with "blue water, clear water." continues on: http://music.fanpage.it/lucio-battisti-emozioni-riflessioni-e-pensieri/ # ixzz1GnB5ZQNx

If we were to make a name of a musical artist symbol of Italian music, at this March 17, a day of celebration for 150 years of the Unification of Italy, where I tell other stories of Italians, perhaps we would say Lucio Battisti (not to mention Fabrizio De Andrè, Mina and Rino Gaetano). The singer of Poggio Bustone represents the Italian song that the Beatles have expressed in the world pop and rock'n'roll. Contemporary music in our country has certainly developed thanks to this exceptional singer, songwriter and record producer: his commitment in fact had the effect of a change, as it was able to change your musical inclinations of the Italians. Although his vocal limitations were fairly obvious (almost hoarse voice and limited extension), Battisti has shown great fortitude and a strong personality, who went beyond the appearance of fragility, managing to dominate the Italian musical scene.
Lucio was born March 5, 1943, Poggio Bustone (Rieti). His musical debut takes place in 1962, with the group of "I Mattatori" in Naples, but after a year with ups and downs in his decision to return lands, where it joins to "Satyrs" and then "The Champions". The place is dated 1965, when Baptists were invited from the house music "El & Chris" where he met Giulio Rapetti, better known as Mogol.
result was the largest association of Italian music of the last issues: Mogol-Battisti, a''company''that will generate a record success after another, reaching the top of the charts with songs become the heritage of Italian . Needless to list them: there are so many songs of this "Award Winning" deeply embedded in the DNA of each of our countryman. Many those who began to strum the guitar on the pieces of Baptists, even more so those who hum the lyrics, often after hearing just a few verses.
With the first album recorded in 1967 Lucio immediately produces the first successes by songwriter: "For a penny" and "One Sweet Day." His first appearances, however, does not seem optimal from a purely aesthetic point of view: that hair so curly and unkempt, the handkerchief around her neck always. So much so that even appears in the top cover back.
in 1968 with "Balla Linda" Battisti took part in the Cantagiro; year later, Wilson Pickett, door-to-Sanremo "adventure." L 'final breakthrough came in the summer of 1970, the Festivalbar with "blue water, clear water." continues on: http://music.fanpage.it/lucio-battisti-emozioni-riflessioni-e-pensieri/ # ixzz1GnB5ZQNx
Replace Plastic High Chair Cover
'Market Segavecchia': rarity among the new and the old
Sunday, March 20 streets and squares of Forlimpopoli come alive with art, crafts, books and magazines, cars and motorcycles, stamps, coins, furniture and more
Forli, March 16, 2011 - Sunday, March 20 streets and squares of Forlimpopoli to life and will be painted, animated once more, thanks to the lovers of "things of the past" or " that time was " .
Antiques, modern, art, crafts, books and magazines, cars and motorcycles, spare parts, scrap iron, stamp and coin collections, furniture, and so on and so forth, are always under constant curiosity. And to think that it is sufficient that each of us rummage through more carefully in their cellars, closets and attics to find different objects of great interest for collectors.
After a period of apparent disinterest and lethargy, the market has taken power by continuing to draw the usual crowd of onlookers and lovers who hope to discover the object that is used to enrich or complete their collection. A very important section of this market is one of the restorers of furniture, including ones from Veneto and Tuscany, who will take advantage of the opportunity to communicate and showcase their efforts and recent news.
Piazza Fratti, also, as usual, is full of small collectors ready to relieve their wares, under the careful direction of volunteers dell'Avis that occasion, will not fail to put on their sweet dish gastronomic offers. Since the last edition was a corner reserved for "grandparents" that can boast that he was created to play for their children then. There will also opportunities to do business and charity because Paulucci square (or the Post Office) will be fully occupied by the stalls of various voluntary associations and leisure. In
square Pompilio, however, get it from bosses will tractors, they used to be, so to speak, that will make a fine show and with their rugged round and remind the pops many visitors passed through the fatigue and dust of the sun-drenched campaigns "batdura" . Certainly many, many will be opportunities for various "mice" to search for and find unusual and rare pieces in the "spring market of Segavecchia" Forlimpopoli their goose that lays the golden eggs. Forlimpopoli expect, therefore, all Sunday, March 20 to party and get together once again in the beautiful historical center, in the shadow of the fortress.

Forli, March 16, 2011 - Sunday, March 20 streets and squares of Forlimpopoli to life and will be painted, animated once more, thanks to the lovers of "things of the past" or " that time was " .
Antiques, modern, art, crafts, books and magazines, cars and motorcycles, spare parts, scrap iron, stamp and coin collections, furniture, and so on and so forth, are always under constant curiosity. And to think that it is sufficient that each of us rummage through more carefully in their cellars, closets and attics to find different objects of great interest for collectors.
After a period of apparent disinterest and lethargy, the market has taken power by continuing to draw the usual crowd of onlookers and lovers who hope to discover the object that is used to enrich or complete their collection. A very important section of this market is one of the restorers of furniture, including ones from Veneto and Tuscany, who will take advantage of the opportunity to communicate and showcase their efforts and recent news.
Piazza Fratti, also, as usual, is full of small collectors ready to relieve their wares, under the careful direction of volunteers dell'Avis that occasion, will not fail to put on their sweet dish gastronomic offers. Since the last edition was a corner reserved for "grandparents" that can boast that he was created to play for their children then. There will also opportunities to do business and charity because Paulucci square (or the Post Office) will be fully occupied by the stalls of various voluntary associations and leisure. In
square Pompilio, however, get it from bosses will tractors, they used to be, so to speak, that will make a fine show and with their rugged round and remind the pops many visitors passed through the fatigue and dust of the sun-drenched campaigns "batdura" . Certainly many, many will be opportunities for various "mice" to search for and find unusual and rare pieces in the "spring market of Segavecchia" Forlimpopoli their goose that lays the golden eggs. Forlimpopoli expect, therefore, all Sunday, March 20 to party and get together once again in the beautiful historical center, in the shadow of the fortress.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Egg Decay Experiments
sketch # 15
Also this week on a beautiful sketch Sketchalicious:)
and I must say that this time the DT has just passed!
This is mine, I tried the yellow and I must say that I like a lot:)
Speaking Kushi few days have I heard that my tray of rub-ons, jealously guarded, likely soon to become a drawer full of stuff to throw away because it seems that eventually become unusable: (
So I decided to start consuming and now wear them everywhere!!
Here one sees different stitching, polka dots orange, yellow flower, the word play time ...
Ah, always nice kushin, has helped one of my fixed the moment: the scotchini

Belli !!!!!
Until next time, rub-ons and other scotchini:))
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Inner Ankle Pressure Point Period
Nilla Pizzi,''a voice of roses''(In memoriam)
"It was the number one among the Italian singers, none has had its popularity loved her all over the world."
Farewell Nilla there is your wonderful smile and your memorable songs ..
Farewell Nilla there is your wonderful smile and your memorable songs ..
Friday, March 11, 2011
Orchestra At Teather Where Is Located
"Night in the Gardens of March"
Saturday, March 12 2011 association Zang Tumb Tumb Sassuolo organized "Night in the Gardens of March" musical evening 60-70-80 years .. at the headquarters of the 41,049 "Area" by way of Athens, 12 in Sassuolo, the evening will be especially dedicated to one of the most great artists of that period: Lucio Battisti.
For the occasion, the evening starts at 19.00 with a DJ set to go drink in the atmosphere of those years, to follow the band will perform live tribute Battisti "The Sons of peach blossoms," the group will be particularly pleasing to the local public since the items are originally from our area, will follow until the end of the evening dancing and entertainment by DJ Gala on the Rochs sounds with Soul, Beat, Rhythm'n Blues, Rock.
Saturday, March 12 2011 association Zang Tumb Tumb Sassuolo organized "Night in the Gardens of March" musical evening 60-70-80 years .. at the headquarters of the 41,049 "Area" by way of Athens, 12 in Sassuolo, the evening will be especially dedicated to one of the most great artists of that period: Lucio Battisti.
For the occasion, the evening starts at 19.00 with a DJ set to go drink in the atmosphere of those years, to follow the band will perform live tribute Battisti "The Sons of peach blossoms," the group will be particularly pleasing to the local public since the items are originally from our area, will follow until the end of the evening dancing and entertainment by DJ Gala on the Rochs sounds with Soul, Beat, Rhythm'n Blues, Rock.
Diy Plating What Can I Use To Filter Electrolyte
Al Macallè 3 days devoted to the Beat with Beat Spring
ALEXANDRIA - Three days (March 18-19-20) dedicated to the beat, the musical forms associated the '60s, with dates and exclusive first absolute result of research at the national level between the trends in the contemporary art scene. Thus it is proposed Spring Beat, which is proving to be a national festival that grew over the years are taking a significant role in the Italian music scene, involving also include artists from outside the province. Beat Spring 2011 remember and dedicate this edition (it's the fifth) to Dino Crocco and Scooters , group in our area very famous in the '60s, species in Argentina and England, where he collected a total of four years of touring.
The cost of entry is € 10 and the door opening is scheduled at 21.30. Under the patronage of the City of Alexandria, Spring Beat provides for the March 18 performance of "The Creepers " to that of March 19 "The Montesas " and Sunday March 20, 2011 day culinary Subbuteo tournament and DJ Set
satisfaction when presenting the mayor of Alexandria, Piercarlo Fabbio, who stressed the appreciation of a historic place for the Beat movement Macallè like, as well as for Falzoi Anna Paola, Giuseppe Di Rienzo (Head Hotel Marengo, which will host some events during the three days) and Kenneth Mazza, Mazza's son in March, scooters guitarist who died in 1999.
Official Program
FRIDAY 'March 18, 2011
MACALLE THEATRE', Via Marsala 1, Alexandria - Castelceriolo
Room Bar Spring
From 18.00
Bars Beat Vintage Market & djset
Eighties COLOURS SET with Roberto Calabrò and Friends
Great Hall Spring
Opening Doors at 21.30
Start at 22.00
The Creeps from Sweden
1986> 2011 Enjoy the Creeps 25 ^ Anniversary
Training Original:
Robert Jelinek - vocals and guitar
Ingemansson Hans-Hammond organ
Anders Johansson - bass
Patrick Olsson - drums
They come for the first time in Spring Beat, The Creeps from Sweden, a concert event to celebrate the 25 years since their first album "Enjoy the Creeps." With this record, the Creeps toured Italy and became a true "cult band" for the Italian rock scene of that period. After the Italian tour to Germany, Holland, France, and only after the great European success managed to establish themselves successfully in their country. They participated in several television shows across Europe to win an MTV Video Award for the single "Ooh, I Like it" and also a "Swedish Grammy Artists of the Year." Their memorable concert in Ibiza in front of 500,000 spectators live via satellite.
The Creeps have opened for Roxette, Iggy Pop, A-Ha up to be invited to perform at the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer in Norway in 1994.
A major event in Spring Beat that does make the leap to the Alexandrian festival, which now is becoming a reference point for music lovers 60 years of mining and a gathering place for the rest of dl audience that wants to know and have fun.
Sick Rose Moving
Luca Re - entry
Lilith - vocals Tony
Face - Battery
George Cappellaro - guitar
Luca "Lallo" Mangani - low
Roberto "Robbie" Bovolenta - guitar
What happens if you put together some of the more powerful engines, incendiary, and run-rattling in the garage Italian punk rock n roll beat of all time? INTERNATIONAL JETSET! A little 'Sick Rose and a bit' of rock n roll = Not Moving!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
MACALLE THEATRE ', Via Marsala 1, Alexandria - Castelceriolo
Room Bar Spring
From 18.00
Bars Beat Vintage Market & djset
Great Hall Spring
Doors Opening hours 21.30
Start at 22.00
The Ambassadors of Hully Gully
Marcel Bontempi - vocals and guitar
Terry Inferno - drums
Belafonte Judy - bass and backing vocals Mike
Fabuloso - organ and choral
The Montesas have been founded in 1998, their musical influences ranging from early hillbilly / western / swing through blues, rockabilly and R'n'B. They are one of the few bands in Europe to be able to mix these sounds and play them in a unique style of their live shows.
Their first album is titled "Teen Hipsville Party" and was released in 2002 with a success unexpected and immediate. Since 2006, The Montesas attended the largest festival in Europe have always receiving a great success.
Spring Beat is honored to host the most entertaining group of the old continent.
THEE BOMB'o'NYRICS from Triangle Industrial - Italy
Food Party Soundtrack
Ombretta Little Shadow - vocals, kazoo and theremin
CarrieAnne - vocals and guitar
PJ Paola - vocals and bass
BonnieBANG! - Vocals and drums
Bomb'o'nyrics Thee are four girls that appears on the national and international music scene for several years, music lovers, parties, concerts and events that revolve around the years 60. After many years of experience as a first-audience decided to implement this information creating Bomb'o'nyrics.
the sound and the spectacle of these four maidens is made of a mix of '50s rock'n'roll, garage, beat the French and Lo-fi sound in a time range that goes from 1950 to 2011.
Scanna Wigan - 60's Northern Soul / R & B
66 & Dj Chris Richard IconOut - Garage - Beat - Mod - Freakbeat
Sunday March 20, 2011
MOH MARENGO HOTEL, Via Genova 30, Alexandria - Spinetta Marengo
Meeting Room Spring
From 14.00
Eat & Drink, Subbuteo & djset
Old Stage & Subbuteo Subbuteo
in collaboration with Pierce 14 Subbuteo Club Altavilla Monferrato (AL)
17.00> Live Sets with Dos Hermanos Germany
The cost of entry is € 10 and the door opening is scheduled at 21.30. Under the patronage of the City of Alexandria, Spring Beat provides for the March 18 performance of "The Creepers " to that of March 19 "The Montesas " and Sunday March 20, 2011 day culinary Subbuteo tournament and DJ Set
satisfaction when presenting the mayor of Alexandria, Piercarlo Fabbio, who stressed the appreciation of a historic place for the Beat movement Macallè like, as well as for Falzoi Anna Paola, Giuseppe Di Rienzo (Head Hotel Marengo, which will host some events during the three days) and Kenneth Mazza, Mazza's son in March, scooters guitarist who died in 1999.
Official Program
FRIDAY 'March 18, 2011
MACALLE THEATRE', Via Marsala 1, Alexandria - Castelceriolo
Room Bar Spring
From 18.00
Bars Beat Vintage Market & djset
Eighties COLOURS SET with Roberto Calabrò and Friends
Great Hall Spring
Opening Doors at 21.30
Start at 22.00
The Creeps from Sweden
1986> 2011 Enjoy the Creeps 25 ^ Anniversary
Training Original:
Robert Jelinek - vocals and guitar
Ingemansson Hans-Hammond organ
Anders Johansson - bass
Patrick Olsson - drums
They come for the first time in Spring Beat, The Creeps from Sweden, a concert event to celebrate the 25 years since their first album "Enjoy the Creeps." With this record, the Creeps toured Italy and became a true "cult band" for the Italian rock scene of that period. After the Italian tour to Germany, Holland, France, and only after the great European success managed to establish themselves successfully in their country. They participated in several television shows across Europe to win an MTV Video Award for the single "Ooh, I Like it" and also a "Swedish Grammy Artists of the Year." Their memorable concert in Ibiza in front of 500,000 spectators live via satellite.
The Creeps have opened for Roxette, Iggy Pop, A-Ha up to be invited to perform at the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer in Norway in 1994.
A major event in Spring Beat that does make the leap to the Alexandrian festival, which now is becoming a reference point for music lovers 60 years of mining and a gathering place for the rest of dl audience that wants to know and have fun.
Sick Rose Moving
Luca Re - entry
Lilith - vocals Tony
Face - Battery
George Cappellaro - guitar
Luca "Lallo" Mangani - low
Roberto "Robbie" Bovolenta - guitar
What happens if you put together some of the more powerful engines, incendiary, and run-rattling in the garage Italian punk rock n roll beat of all time? INTERNATIONAL JETSET! A little 'Sick Rose and a bit' of rock n roll = Not Moving!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
MACALLE THEATRE ', Via Marsala 1, Alexandria - Castelceriolo
Room Bar Spring
From 18.00
Bars Beat Vintage Market & djset
Great Hall Spring
Doors Opening hours 21.30
Start at 22.00
The Ambassadors of Hully Gully
Marcel Bontempi - vocals and guitar
Terry Inferno - drums
Belafonte Judy - bass and backing vocals Mike
Fabuloso - organ and choral
The Montesas have been founded in 1998, their musical influences ranging from early hillbilly / western / swing through blues, rockabilly and R'n'B. They are one of the few bands in Europe to be able to mix these sounds and play them in a unique style of their live shows.
Their first album is titled "Teen Hipsville Party" and was released in 2002 with a success unexpected and immediate. Since 2006, The Montesas attended the largest festival in Europe have always receiving a great success.
Spring Beat is honored to host the most entertaining group of the old continent.
THEE BOMB'o'NYRICS from Triangle Industrial - Italy
Food Party Soundtrack
Ombretta Little Shadow - vocals, kazoo and theremin
CarrieAnne - vocals and guitar
PJ Paola - vocals and bass
BonnieBANG! - Vocals and drums
Bomb'o'nyrics Thee are four girls that appears on the national and international music scene for several years, music lovers, parties, concerts and events that revolve around the years 60. After many years of experience as a first-audience decided to implement this information creating Bomb'o'nyrics.
the sound and the spectacle of these four maidens is made of a mix of '50s rock'n'roll, garage, beat the French and Lo-fi sound in a time range that goes from 1950 to 2011.
Scanna Wigan - 60's Northern Soul / R & B
66 & Dj Chris Richard IconOut - Garage - Beat - Mod - Freakbeat
Sunday March 20, 2011
MOH MARENGO HOTEL, Via Genova 30, Alexandria - Spinetta Marengo
Meeting Room Spring
From 14.00
Eat & Drink, Subbuteo & djset
Old Stage & Subbuteo Subbuteo
in collaboration with Pierce 14 Subbuteo Club Altavilla Monferrato (AL)
17.00> Live Sets with Dos Hermanos Germany
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Jungle Cruise Audition
Organization and Information:
Blu Nautilus Srl. Piazza Tre Martiri 24-47921 Rimini
tel. 0541/53294, fax. 0541/50094 www.fiereanquariato.it
What Are The Healthiest Dried Fruit
Cortona Dance Festival Vintage Twiggy
From Friday, July 28 will kick off the fourth edition of the Vintage Dance Festival Cortona , event sponsored by the City of Cortona and treated by the organization of Route 66.
It is an event that in recent years has emerged as a real moment of celebration and discovery of vintage sounds and rhythms.
This year the program is of particular interest and quality.
Friday 28 we start with the Groove Night with DJs Alexander M, Federico Grazzini, Faust-T and Marco Fumagalli, the real wait is for a very special DJ like Filippo Nardi, already one of the "hyenas "television's most acclaimed and became famous by taking part in an edition of Big Brother.
Saturday 29 evening dedicated to swing and rock & roll with P-51 - airplanes and especially Daddy's Rebels Jump'n'boogie group. The animation is entrusted to Mr. Charlie Rock & Fun Staff.
Sunday 30 great conclusion with the orchestra of Cuban Monolith Simonet y su Trabuco, an ensemble of 18 elements of the most famous of all of Cuba A unique festival that will drag in the dances and rhythms of salsa and timba.
The animation for this evening is DJ Antonio y Salsaloca.
All concerts are free.
On Saturday and Sunday the city will be run by an original vintage flea market with some stands of great charm, and is planned for Saturday rally car and motorcycles strictly American.
From Friday, July 28 will kick off the fourth edition of the Vintage Dance Festival Cortona , event sponsored by the City of Cortona and treated by the organization of Route 66.
It is an event that in recent years has emerged as a real moment of celebration and discovery of vintage sounds and rhythms.
This year the program is of particular interest and quality.
Friday 28 we start with the Groove Night with DJs Alexander M, Federico Grazzini, Faust-T and Marco Fumagalli, the real wait is for a very special DJ like Filippo Nardi, already one of the "hyenas "television's most acclaimed and became famous by taking part in an edition of Big Brother.
Saturday 29 evening dedicated to swing and rock & roll with P-51 - airplanes and especially Daddy's Rebels Jump'n'boogie group. The animation is entrusted to Mr. Charlie Rock & Fun Staff.
Sunday 30 great conclusion with the orchestra of Cuban Monolith Simonet y su Trabuco, an ensemble of 18 elements of the most famous of all of Cuba A unique festival that will drag in the dances and rhythms of salsa and timba.
The animation for this evening is DJ Antonio y Salsaloca.
All concerts are free.
On Saturday and Sunday the city will be run by an original vintage flea market with some stands of great charm, and is planned for Saturday rally car and motorcycles strictly American.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Create Your Own Wrestler Smackdown
Have you seen this?
I'll copy and paste directly from the blog of LA CARTARECCIA
Try it!
"Here we are!
Are you ready?
Well, let's start from the premiums and because this candy is dedicated to vipers CREATIVE first prize could only be
a place for a course chosen from:
SEWING TILDA, scrapbooking, artistic creation and ANIMAL WIRE CLAY
and if they win the first extracted!
Then, since we are good:) this time we have made a second prize, a beautiful supply of colors, including 7 to 14 with 3-D effect!
Not bad, eh?
The second prize will be awarded to the most interesting comments from the staff.
Of course this time you have a theme, we want Creative Vipers know what you think of the initiative, will participate? Which courses? Which ones you'd find in the next edition?
In return we ask only to advertise the event Vipers on your blog or on Facebook!
(if you do not have either just write it in the comments: D)
Deadline: March 27!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Etiquette On Rsvp Pay For Own Meals
Concert In Torino raises the museum so the story does show
More of thirty-three million euro, of which 22 are for the 11 million renovation of the building to the interior: this is the 'investment in the revitalization the new Museum of Turin, whose inauguration is scheduled for March 19 in the presence of President Giorgio Napolitano . Then, 20, will be the turn of the general public.
is not a simple architectural renovation but an intervention that aims to place in a dynamic and sensational museum to the new reality ' inside of the panorama of Italian culture. His appearance, contemporary and futuristic, was designed and created by architect Cino Zucchi and the innovative exhibition space is designed by the designer François Confino, who has already set up in Turin, the Museo del Cinema.
Museum collections boast one of the rarest and most interesting of its kind with nearly 200 cars original of 80 different brands covering a period from 1769 to 1996 , and then will be able to show visitors in its 19,000 square meters of exhibition space, the history of the automobile but also a culture and society through a unique path in its language and heritage.
Exposure museum will add an event space, a convention center, a documentation center as well as the educational center, the bookshop and cafe and restaurant. At the top of the National Automobile Museum of Turin, the President, Joseph
Alberto Zunino, Vice President, Fiorenzo Alfieri
Gaffin and Director Rodolfo Rossi
From March 20 the museum will then open the Mondays from 10 to 14, Tuesday from 14 to 19, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 10 to 19 on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to 21. The cost of admission is: Adults € 8, reduced € 6, € 2.50 schools.
But back to the car: the collection of the Museum of Turin has about 200 cars of 85 brands from 8 countries of the world: Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Spain, Poland and the United States . This is a true national and international museum boasts one of the rarest and most prestigious collections in this area. Among the most valuable pieces might include "steam car", designed by Virginia Bordino in 1854, the first model Benz of 1893 with the change of belt speed, the first Peugeot model to circulate in Italy in 1892, the 3.5 hp Bernardi of 1896, the first three-wheeled car built in Italy, the Fiat 4 HP, 1899, model home debut of Turin, the Fiat 12/16 HP before the Turin car to be exported, the Florentia in 1903, the only one still exists of this brand, the Oldsmobile Curved Dash 1904, the first vehicle with functional characteristics; the Itala, 1909 belonged to Queen Margaret and she named "Pigeon", the Renault Fiacre 1910, the taxi that brought the French soldiers at the front on the Marne saving Paris by the German invasion, the Isotta Fraschini 8A , luxury car purchased by Rudolph Valentino in 1950 and used for the filming of "The Sunset Boulevard ', the Cisitalia 202 of 1948, the" self-propelled sculpture "that marked an era, so much so that a sample is exposed to the Museum of Modern Art New York as "one of the six most beautiful cars of the world"; the Ferrari 500 F2 Alberto Ascari which won the world title in 1952, the Trabant 601, 1987 , auto symbol of East Berlin
The importance of this huge collection is contained only in the value of these antiques but goes beyond the object as such to intrude into the history of societies, nations and cultures that have passed through these two important centuries. The cars on display in the 30 new sections designed by the designer François Confino are in fact fully deployed within the social context in which they originated, meaning that the objects of our daily life, self, in particular, are real mirrors our tastes, habits and ideas. The cars are placed before the spectator as emblems of a world that has never ceased to change and evolve and change which are reflected in changes and experiments in all sectors, from industry to science, from art to literature. They are also a historical memory of what we were and what we are becoming: from the 1957 Fiat 500 Volkswagen Type 1 1952.
From March 20 reopens new Car Museum, one of the rarest and most interesting collections of its kind with nearly 200 cars of 80 different original brands
is not a simple architectural renovation but an intervention that aims to place in a dynamic and sensational museum to the new reality ' inside of the panorama of Italian culture. His appearance, contemporary and futuristic, was designed and created by architect Cino Zucchi and the innovative exhibition space is designed by the designer François Confino, who has already set up in Turin, the Museo del Cinema.
Museum collections boast one of the rarest and most interesting of its kind with nearly 200 cars original of 80 different brands covering a period from 1769 to 1996 , and then will be able to show visitors in its 19,000 square meters of exhibition space, the history of the automobile but also a culture and society through a unique path in its language and heritage.
Exposure museum will add an event space, a convention center, a documentation center as well as the educational center, the bookshop and cafe and restaurant. At the top of the National Automobile Museum of Turin, the President, Joseph
Alberto Zunino, Vice President, Fiorenzo Alfieri
Gaffin and Director Rodolfo Rossi
From March 20 the museum will then open the Mondays from 10 to 14, Tuesday from 14 to 19, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 10 to 19 on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to 21. The cost of admission is: Adults € 8, reduced € 6, € 2.50 schools.
But back to the car: the collection of the Museum of Turin has about 200 cars of 85 brands from 8 countries of the world: Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Spain, Poland and the United States . This is a true national and international museum boasts one of the rarest and most prestigious collections in this area. Among the most valuable pieces might include "steam car", designed by Virginia Bordino in 1854, the first model Benz of 1893 with the change of belt speed, the first Peugeot model to circulate in Italy in 1892, the 3.5 hp Bernardi of 1896, the first three-wheeled car built in Italy, the Fiat 4 HP, 1899, model home debut of Turin, the Fiat 12/16 HP before the Turin car to be exported, the Florentia in 1903, the only one still exists of this brand, the Oldsmobile Curved Dash 1904, the first vehicle with functional characteristics; the Itala, 1909 belonged to Queen Margaret and she named "Pigeon", the Renault Fiacre 1910, the taxi that brought the French soldiers at the front on the Marne saving Paris by the German invasion, the Isotta Fraschini 8A , luxury car purchased by Rudolph Valentino in 1950 and used for the filming of "The Sunset Boulevard ', the Cisitalia 202 of 1948, the" self-propelled sculpture "that marked an era, so much so that a sample is exposed to the Museum of Modern Art New York as "one of the six most beautiful cars of the world"; the Ferrari 500 F2 Alberto Ascari which won the world title in 1952, the Trabant 601, 1987 , auto symbol of East Berlin
The importance of this huge collection is contained only in the value of these antiques but goes beyond the object as such to intrude into the history of societies, nations and cultures that have passed through these two important centuries. The cars on display in the 30 new sections designed by the designer François Confino are in fact fully deployed within the social context in which they originated, meaning that the objects of our daily life, self, in particular, are real mirrors our tastes, habits and ideas. The cars are placed before the spectator as emblems of a world that has never ceased to change and evolve and change which are reflected in changes and experiments in all sectors, from industry to science, from art to literature. They are also a historical memory of what we were and what we are becoming: from the 1957 Fiat 500 Volkswagen Type 1 1952.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Stomachsitting Fetish
Less than a month!!
But it is always that time is running so fast when I have a lot of things to do??
However not be long now, so hurry up and watch HERE and book !!!!!

Sunday, April 3 at 14:30
Saturday, April 2 09:30

Saturday, April 2 hours 14:30
Sunday, April 3 09:30
Sunday, April 3 at 14:30
costs and reservations
You can choose which course to attend and each one will cost € 35 course materials and equipment including , but who will participate in all 4 for a total of € 125 , will a surprise gift.
Registration is open!
To book please contact Manuela at 347-6648303
or the sponsor of the event The Cartareccia "
and because places are very limited, we suggest you hurry !!!!!
The booking of the course requires the payment of 50% of the share on the chosen course, the only way will be effective.
can make postepay charging a payment referred you will receive the data at the time of booking
or by money order to 'Ass.cult. Fantastic Emotion
EN 36 A 03 002 05 233 000 401 333 063
Customers "La Cartareccia" can go into the store and make arrangements with Anita.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Can You Title A Car Without Registering It In Tn
The Stranger - Luca Serio Bertolini - Angels Friends and Minstrels (Video) Max Pezzali
Junk Boatsouth Florida
prepares to tour
"mainland" (Atlantic / Warner Music), the new album by Max Pezzali, published four years after his last studio work, it is confirmed in the top 10 best sellers, ranking sixth in the standings today. Sunday, March 6, Pezzali will be host to Sunday, 5 where, in addition to performing the song "My second time" (one of the most frequently aired by the radio), will be interviewed by Federica Panicucci. From March 15 Max Pezzali present "mainland" and meet fans in the stores of major Italian cities: March 15th at Fnac in Florence (18.00) to Saturn on March 16 in Milan (18.00), March 18 to Fnac di Torino (18.00), March 20 at the Fnac in Rome (18.30) and March 28th at Fnac di Verona (18.00).
Produced by Claudio Cecchetto and Pier Paolo Peroni, "mainland" is tested which uses sound designer Claudio Guidetti, Roberto and Sergio Maggioni Vernetti. The graphic design is by Paolo De Franceco Multimedia.it. 11 are tracks on the disc (On the album is available in iTunes Deluxe version, with digital booklet and the song "An incredible man," exclusive ") all written by Max Pezzali with its characteristic way of telling and describing reality and the world around him. It's a hard life, in which the songs are, as always, on the everyday poetry. Musically, electronic and traditional instruments are perfectly blended in the sounds showing a renewed desire for fun pop, echoes of the '80s and rock'n'roll.
April 30 From Max Pezzali bring his new album and his greatest hits on tour. Will April 30 in Rome and May 5th in Milan . Since February 16 is on the official site www.maxpezzali.it . Featuring a unique graphics, the new site aims to involve and excite all fans through a strong integration with leading social network that will update the artist personally sharing news, thoughts, and media. The site also includes a reserved area, dedicated only to registered users, which allows access to exclusive content such as audio and video previews, photos and unreleased material and dedicated events.
Free Pokemon For Sale
Smart Cops to protect and serve (Video)
SAVIGNANO - Evening presentation to Cider club Savignano Sul Rubicon Saturday, March 5 with a band who has just released a record label for the most noble of the moment, the Storm records: they are called Smart Cops will perform live and playing the songs from the new album titled "To Protect and Serve" , the beginning of the show is scheduled for 22 with free admission and then the evening will continue on the notes of danceable Monogawa djset .
Smart Cops are born in late 2007 following the refused admission to a competition to enlist in the police.:) I am a crazy machine of social alienation, sarcasm, paranoia and rebellion, a group defined by a musical idea and image. The sound, the words are loud and fast, simple and direct. Sgracchianti guitars and drums with haunting shots. The look is as important as the music, black leather jackets, pants blacks with red stripes down the sides, black shirt with red logo and leather gloves blacks. A uniform that represents the non-sense between punk and military rigor and emphasizes the spirit of the situationist project.
Smart Cops are influenced by the tradition of the best punk New Yorker '77 (Dead Boys, Ramones), '60s garage and soul of the Italian beat of the '60s (The Rebels, the New Dada) also with regard to the texts. It would be too easy to stereotype their content against the police ... here you go much further, ironically cop on small weaknesses (which are reflected in the life of each individual), the uncertainties of daily living, being clumsy and awkward.
Saturday from 22 to Cider club Savignano of punk, garage and beat
SAVIGNANO - Evening presentation to Cider club Savignano Sul Rubicon Saturday, March 5 with a band who has just released a record label for the most noble of the moment, the Storm records: they are called Smart Cops will perform live and playing the songs from the new album titled "To Protect and Serve" , the beginning of the show is scheduled for 22 with free admission and then the evening will continue on the notes of danceable Monogawa djset .
Smart Cops are born in late 2007 following the refused admission to a competition to enlist in the police.:) I am a crazy machine of social alienation, sarcasm, paranoia and rebellion, a group defined by a musical idea and image. The sound, the words are loud and fast, simple and direct. Sgracchianti guitars and drums with haunting shots. The look is as important as the music, black leather jackets, pants blacks with red stripes down the sides, black shirt with red logo and leather gloves blacks. A uniform that represents the non-sense between punk and military rigor and emphasizes the spirit of the situationist project.
Smart Cops are influenced by the tradition of the best punk New Yorker '77 (Dead Boys, Ramones), '60s garage and soul of the Italian beat of the '60s (The Rebels, the New Dada) also with regard to the texts. It would be too easy to stereotype their content against the police ... here you go much further, ironically cop on small weaknesses (which are reflected in the life of each individual), the uncertainties of daily living, being clumsy and awkward.
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