Saturday, March 5, there is a celebration of Carnival in particular. Yes, because after years of having to invent any kind of disguise purely by chance, at least the new trend of partying at tama helps a little 'fantasy (after all, not there' if some 'stress' for the well dressed in form and h). The idea in question is Satyrnet has the idea 'The 60s'. For the first part of the evening star in this event will be the band members 'Wizards', with their sound and pop beats that make you dance the publbico.
nete best you could hope to address the atmosphere of the day in the air of a college 60s. In short, will be a little 'how to enter for a few hours in an episode of Happy Days, or a closer look at how beautiful are the wide skirts worn with tight blouses and puffed sleeves by smelling the scent of grease on the hair. And after the concert, pulling straight up at dawn, the environment becomes a nightclub with another special guest Luzy L directly from Toretta Style (his Facebook page reads: 'Luzy will always strive to put the seal to a severe test of your joints, knees and ankles'). At his side dishes DjDemon ... all 'together' video installation by theme!
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